Sustainable Development

Empowerment through Beekeeping-

Empowering Ugandan Women through Beekeeping

Empowering Ugandan Women Through Beekeeping Beekeeping is more than just a means of generating income; it’s a sustainable and ecologically friendly endeavor that has the potential to transform lives. In this campaign, we aim to establish 195 new beehives and…
Bamboo project, next steps

The Bamboo Project – From Start to Finish, and Beyond

The Bamboo Project – From Start to Finish, and Beyond Uganda’s forests have faced a dire threat over the years, with nearly 3% of its wooded lands, equivalent to 73.6kha, being relentlessly felled for fuel, and agricultural expansion. One such…
Rural Energy Nexus Germany Uganda GivingHope Foundation

Interdisciplinary Nexus of Energy for Rural Development

The Interdisciplinary Nexus of Energy Workshop The interdisciplinary nexus of energy workshop was held in Flensburg, Germany on 4-6 August. It brought together 25 participants from 16 different nationalities, spread across five continents. The aim of the workshop was to…