Our Impact

Our success is built through partnering with rural farmers

2,557 lives are being impacted through our close partnership with 511 rural smallholder farmers, and counting.

Rural families directly benefiting from our programs
Increased in food production by partner households
0 %
Avg. annual income by partner households
0 $

Key Achievements

Helping smallholder farmers to end extreme poverty

Trees planted

2,947 Eucalyptus grandis and Grevillea Robusta trees have been planted

Supporting rural farmers to mitigate climate change

Bamboo planted

865 bamboo seedlings (Bambusa Vulgaris)  were planted in March 2022

small Village groups VSLA in Uganda - smallholder farmers access capital

VSLA Groups

511 smallholder farmers have been clustered into nine (9) village saving group

Biochar improves depleted soils and mitigating climate change


Over 2,394 Kg of biochar have been made from agricultural residues

Sustainable Agriculture for smallholder farmers

Rabbits Distributed

Eight (8) pairs of mother rabbits have been distributed to three groups

Farmers recieve quality seeds

Quality Seeds

Over 2,890 Kilos of seed including beans, maize and rice have been distributed

Building thriving households

Join us! Together, we can improve rural livelihoods.